家庭圣经活动 Family Bible Activities

Grandma wrote this song for use with her PRESCHOOL CREATION LESSONS. We hope you’ll stand up and sing with her! Here are some other songs that also go with the lessons: Who Made It; Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes.

学前课程 Creation – Preschool Lessons
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tags: 家庭圣经活动, free Bible lesson plans for the family, free Bible lesson plans for life groups, free Bible lesson plans for small groups, family night plans, 学前课程, Creation – Preschool Lessons, 约瑟的生平, Joseph, 10 Commandments, 希西家, Hezekiah – 2 Chronicles 29 & 32, 2 Kings 18 & 20, Isaiah 37 & 38, John 14:1, 玛拿西, Manasseh – 2 Chronicles 22 & 23, Lamentations 3:40, Daniel, Ruth, 旧约的挑战, Old Testament Challenge, Basic Christianity, 选择耶稣, Choose Jesus, Christmas, 跟随耶稣, Follow Me, 自由, Freedom, A Changed Life, Fruit of the Spirit, 耶稣与我, Jesus and Me, Looking Toward Heaven, No Perfect People, True Faced, Luke, 1 John, The Lord’s Prayer, rewritten Lord’s Prayer, selfish Lord’s Prayer, Ephesians; Enoch; free family Bible lessons, great commandment, greatest commandment,

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