Blog Archives


Time to make a list of things to do this summer!
Be sure to include some fun things!….
With OLDER people, think outings or experiences.  Where have you wanted to go or what have you wanted to see or experience or make?  Who will you invite to join you?  One of my activities this summer will be with friends and family.  We’ll visit “adventure” stores (prices and merchandise fluctuate) that we only visit once a year.  We enjoy seeing who got the best buy and an explanation as to “whatever did you want that for!?!?”
With YOUNGER people, think about what memories you want to create and what activity or experience might help create those memories.  Sometimes the best memories are “made on the spot” with whatever is at hand.  Sometimes planning ahead makes being together easier.
There are lots of ideas online.  Here’s one link with ideas for kids’ activities.
Here’s another link with some of the ways Grandma liked to play with her little ones:

I’m adjusting!

At one of my recent doctor’s appointments I heard the phrase, “I’m adjusting.”  It was in response to “How are you?”  “I’m adjusting” seems to be one of my healthy stories of old age.  No matter how much we fight our limitations, there is always “adjusting” at every stage of life.  There is a reason we should rejoice and give thanks in everything, and the prose below expresses it well.  It is from


Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire.
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

Be thankful when you don’t know something,
for it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.

Be thankful for your limitations,
because they give you opportunities for improvement.

Be thankful for each new challenge,
because it will build your strength and character.

Be thankful for your mistakes.
They will teach you valuable lessons.

Be thankful when you’re tired and weary,
because it means you’ve made a difference.

It’s easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks.

Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can become your blessings.



I’ve spent more than my normal time on Youtube during my post-surgery recovery and have found a few useful ideas.  The link below reminded me of my past, working with music education at church and at home:

Almost everyone likes music!  It is good for our brains and our bodies to be exposed to making music, letting it lift our spirits through movement, words, melody, and harmony.  From “pat-a-cake” motions and lullabies to bands and choral presentations, we grow in expression through the medium of music.

We do have some things on our website to encourage your family when it comes to music.  You can check them out here:


School holidays and Easter are coming soon!

Try some “Draw with Grandma” while the kids are out of school.  It’s a fun activity to do together.  Scroll down on this page for 4 free samples:

There are lots of resources out there for family Easter activities.  Here are a couple to check out:

Question #1 – WHO?

Being curious is the foundation of both learning and relationship.  We need to ask more questions!  So, let’s practice!
I’m going to be sending out a “question” challenge over the next 6 weeks in hopes that you will take this opportunity to practice asking questions.
How many questions can you ask at dinner each night that start with the word “Who…?”  Who helped you today?  Who was your best friend when you were 10?  Who made that for you?…etc.
Of course, the “Who?” questions can happen all day long.  You can keep track of them or you can simply compliment each other when they occur.
All of this “who…ing” should give you some ideas about WHO is important in your lives.  Perhaps some “thank you” notes might also be a good idea?
This series of questions are fundamental to reporting and recording events.  I walked through them several years ago with my grandchildren.  I’ll note this link to the song we put together as a family in each of the blogs.  Hope you enjoy it.  Perhaps you can make your own with your family?

Plan ahead!

What will your summer be like?

“Be prepared” is a good idea, even for those of us who are not scouts.  If we have any idea of what may be coming, we should assemble the resources and skills that are needed so we can be helpful and successful.  “Be prepared” covers everything from the simple to the complex.

The simple:  When putting together a jigsaw puzzle wreath, put aside the pieces that will work well on the final round.

The complex:  Keep a well-stocked pantry in case of unexpected company or a disaster.

So, you know that summer is coming.  It is a good time to ask yourself, “What are my expectations for the coming months?”  If you are going to have company or special family times, it is a good time to ask others what their expectations are.  Begin making plans now for ways to expand and deepen relationships.

Here’s one idea to think about that can be adapted to both young and old.  Gardening, whether a potted plant or an entire plot, is a good way to GROW together.  Why not learn about food and responsibility while planting, watering, weeding, picking, and cooking your own produce?

This video shows one way to do that, even with a young child.


As we head towards Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and family gatherings memories of the past erupt in our hearts.  My mom recently sent me a picture of her mom, my grandmother, holding me.  (Yes, I’m the bald and chubby baby in the picture!) This is the grandma that accompanied her youngest living child (my mom) to college and then continued to live with my parents after they married.  My grandma was a part of our daily lives until her death when I was 12.  She inspired me, at a young age, to enjoy so many things!!!  She showed me that it was possible to be a grandma that loves and encourages not only her grandchildren but her adult children as well.  It is a privilege to have that kind of model in my life.

Although I fall far short of the ideal “grandma” of my childhood memories, I continue to pursue the dream of providing encouragement and love to my children and grandchildren.  I pray that you will also grow in your ability to love and encourage those around you.  Is it time to get out the family picture albums and talk through memories?

By the way, my mom has followed in the footsteps of her mom very well!  I am VERY blessed!
