May 13, 2019
Many of our fun family memories come from playing together. We recently played “FISH BOWL” together. We liked it so much that we kept requesting to play it again. Our youngest grandchild is 6 and the oldest ones are 12. (The only problem we had with this game was in interpreting some of the handwriting and spelling!) The first time we played it, someone wrote “wiggly octopus” on one of the draw cards. I got that clue for the pantomime round and also for the “sheet” round, and the kids are still talking about it. Every game since there were several “wiggly octopus” draw cards written by grandchildren, and all anyone had to do was to either say “grandma” or point to me to get the whole group to say “wiggly octopus”. FISH BOWL also gives you an opportunity to discover what is going on in your family’s world. The latest fad, book, movie, job, etc., usually shows up in what is written on the draw cards, so you will have opportunities to ask questions that deepen your understanding of each other’s lives. Fish bowl doesn’t require that you purchase anything. You only need pencils, paper, a sheet, and a timer.
You will find instructions on how to play fish bowl here:
Don’t laugh too hard!
And, speaking of fish, try out this DRAW WITH GRANDMA picture – f is for five fish:
There are 4 dvds in the DRAW WITH GRANDMA series, with a 5th on it’s way to being completed. What a fun way to learn to draw!