Question #4 – WHEN?

Being curious is the foundation of both learning and relationship.  We need to ask more questions!  So, let’s practice!

This week’s questions start with “When…?”  When did you get home?  When will I get a pony?  When do the birds build their nests?  When would you like supper?….etc.

You can keep track of how many “When?” questions you hear and say, or you can simply compliment each other when they occur.
All of this “when…ing” should help you understand how timing effects those around you.  Perhaps you will want to work together to plan a day or a weekend or your summer vacation?
Perhaps you will want to set a timer for the beginning or ending of an activity?  Perhaps you’ll want to help someone learn how to “tell time”?  For that, you can check out our “Hickory, Dickory, Dock” book. Grandma sings it on this page:

This series of questions are fundamental to reporting and recording events.  I walked through them several years ago with my grandchildren.  Here is a link to the song we put together as a family.  Hope you enjoy it.  Perhaps you can make your own with your family?
