Blog Archives

Question #1 – WHO?

Being curious is the foundation of both learning and relationship.  We need to ask more questions!  So, let’s practice!
I’m going to be sending out a “question” challenge over the next 6 weeks in hopes that you will take this opportunity to practice asking questions.
How many questions can you ask at dinner each night that start with the word “Who…?”  Who helped you today?  Who was your best friend when you were 10?  Who made that for you?…etc.
Of course, the “Who?” questions can happen all day long.  You can keep track of them or you can simply compliment each other when they occur.
All of this “who…ing” should give you some ideas about WHO is important in your lives.  Perhaps some “thank you” notes might also be a good idea?
This series of questions are fundamental to reporting and recording events.  I walked through them several years ago with my grandchildren.  I’ll note this link to the song we put together as a family in each of the blogs.  Hope you enjoy it.  Perhaps you can make your own with your family?

Question #2- WHAT?

Being curious is the foundation of both learning and relationship.  We need to ask more questions!  So, let’s practice!

This week’s questions start with “What….?”  What is your favorite color?  What made you do that?  What do you plan to do next?  What is in that drawer?…..etc.

You can keep track of how many “What?” questions you hear and say, or you can simply compliment each other when they occur.

All of this “what…ing” should give you some ideas about the people and things around you.  Perhaps you’ll want to make a “What is it?” box to put those unidentifiable items in that you find this week?

OR, you might want to make a discovery bag like Grandma did several years ago.

This series of questions are fundamental to reporting and recording events.  I walked through them several years ago with my grandchildren.  Here is a link to the song we put together as a family.  Hope you enjoy it.  Perhaps you can make your own with your family?

Question #3 – WHERE?

Being curious is the foundation of both learning and relationship.  We need to ask more questions!  So, let’s practice!

This week’s questions start with “Where…?”  Where did you put the hammer?  Where did go today?  Where should I put the fork? Where do you go to school?…etc.

“Where?” questions help us place people and things in the world around us.

You can keep track of how many “Where?” questions you hear and say, or you can simply compliment each other when they occur.

All of this “where…ing” should give you some ideas about the people and things around you.  Perhaps draw a map of your neighborhood that shows WHERE your neighbors live?  OR, label some drawers or tubs to show WHERE your stuff belongs?

This series of questions are fundamental to reporting and recording events.  I walked through them several years ago with my grandchildren.  Here is a link to the song we put together as a family.  Hope you enjoy it.  Perhaps you can make your own with your family?

Question #4 – WHEN?

Being curious is the foundation of both learning and relationship.  We need to ask more questions!  So, let’s practice!

This week’s questions start with “When…?”  When did you get home?  When will I get a pony?  When do the birds build their nests?  When would you like supper?….etc.

You can keep track of how many “When?” questions you hear and say, or you can simply compliment each other when they occur.
All of this “when…ing” should help you understand how timing effects those around you.  Perhaps you will want to work together to plan a day or a weekend or your summer vacation?
Perhaps you will want to set a timer for the beginning or ending of an activity?  Perhaps you’ll want to help someone learn how to “tell time”?  For that, you can check out our “Hickory, Dickory, Dock” book. Grandma sings it on this page:

This series of questions are fundamental to reporting and recording events.  I walked through them several years ago with my grandchildren.  Here is a link to the song we put together as a family.  Hope you enjoy it.  Perhaps you can make your own with your family?

Question #5 – WHY?

Being curious is the foundation of both learning and relationship.  We need to ask more questions!  So, let’s practice!

This week’s questions start with “Why…?”  Why do I go to bed before you do?  Why can’t I say that word?  Why does it rain?  Why would you do that?….etc.

You can keep track of how many “Why?” questions you hear and say, or you can simply compliment each other when they occur.

All of this “why…ing” will help us understand our thoughts and how the world works.  “Why?” questions can be annoying and upsetting if the answer is always “Because I said so!”  Take the time to explain that “” cannot turn into “Whine…ing”.  Be as accurate as you can to answer all the “Why?” questions.  Perhaps you’ll want to take a trip to the library to find answers in books?  Perhaps you’ll ask the question, “Who do you think could answer that question?”

One of my favorite movies is ANNE OF GREEN GABLES (A Kevin Sullivan production starring Megan Follows, Colleen Dewhurst, Richard Farnsworth/ Based on the novels by Lucy Maud Montgomery).  The main character, Anne, never seems to understand the “WHY?” of others.  If you have time to watch it, you can work through some of the questions that we put together for families.  You’ll find them here:

This series of questions are fundamental to reporting and recording events.  I walked through them several years ago with my grandchildren.  Here is a link to the song we put together as a family.  Hope you enjoy it.  Perhaps you can make your own with your family?

Question #6 – HOW?

Being curious is the foundation of both learning and relationship. We need to ask more questions! So, let’s practice!

This week’s questions start with “How…?” How many pens? How does it stay together? How do you know? How did you do it?…etc.

You can keep track of how many “How?” questions you hear and say, or you can simply compliment each other when they occur.

All of this “how…ing” will help us understand our skills and how the world works. Perhaps you’ll want to take a field trip to find out how something is made?

Grandma made a video of the duck song years ago. After she made it, she was asked HOW she made it. So, she made another video that shows how. You can see the videos by clicking on the links below.

Three Little Ducks

How I Made 3 Little Ducks

This series of questions are fundamental to reporting and recording events. I walked through them several years ago with my grandchildren. Here is a link to the song we put together as a family. Hope you enjoy it. Perhaps you can make your own with your family?

The Question Song

This is my last post on QUESTIONS. I pray that this question series has helped you grow together this summer. Thank you for walking through it with me!

