Blog Archives

Friends add to our lives!


You know that friends change your life, for better or for worse. You can be challenged, encouraged, and led to goodness by those who are around you. (We’ll leave the “worse” possibilities for your own analysis!) I have a friend that abounds in creative energy and good humor. She is in our life group. She has given me permission to put one of her Bible “skits” up on our website. You will find it here:

For a list of all our skits, click here:

And, I am either very late or very early with another Bible resource. We were all hampered in our Easter celebrations this year because of the virus. In our neighborhood, we were able to have a “non-gathering” in our cul-de-sac. We came up with a lesson plan that actively walked us through the 8 days of Easter week. You may want to use this for a small group, family devotionals, or a class lesson next year. When we did it, each family brought their own props. You will find that lesson here:

More of our free Bible lessons are found here:

I am very thankful for great friends and wonderful neighbors!



This is a family challenge activity to do during your Corona Virus quarantine. The challenge is to find as many words as you can using the letters in CORONA VIRUS.  Here’s one way to do it:

Write out the letters in CORONA VIRUS.  Cut them into squares and place them in a spot where everyone can see and use them.  Place a sheet of paper and a pencil/pen next to the letters.  (Each person could have their own paper or you could share.)  As you have time, use the letters to make words then write those words on the paper.  How many different words can you find this week?  For a bonus challenge, see how many of the words that you find can be used in just one sentence or paragraph.




Long ago, Grandma made the CURIOSITY GAME as a present for her grandchildren. This simple game is fun and can be used to help children understand and discover the world around them.  Best of all, it doesn’t really require anything that you do not already have.  Although you can download and print out DISCOVERY FORMS for free from Grandma’s website, you do not have to use them.

In the CURIOSITY GAME, being the “loader” gets kids involved and helps them learn about “sets”.  Being the “guesser” builds patience as they wait to reveal what they have discovered.

Grandma has made videos about this game to help you learn how to play it.  You will find them at:

There is so much to discover!  Enjoy discovering together!


May 13, 2019

Many of our fun family memories come from playing together.  We recently played “FISH BOWL” together.  We liked it so much that we kept requesting to play it again.  Our youngest grandchild is 6 and the oldest ones are 12.  (The only problem we had with this game was in interpreting some of the handwriting and spelling!)  The first time we played it, someone wrote “wiggly octopus” on one of the draw cards.  I got that clue for the pantomime round and also for the “sheet” round, and the kids are still talking about it.  Every game since there were several “wiggly octopus” draw cards written by grandchildren, and all anyone had to do was to either say “grandma” or point to me to get the whole group to say “wiggly octopus”.  FISH BOWL also gives you an opportunity to discover what is going on in your family’s world.  The latest fad, book, movie, job, etc., usually shows up in what is written on the draw cards, so you will have opportunities to ask questions that deepen your understanding of each other’s lives.  Fish bowl doesn’t require that you purchase anything.  You only need pencils, paper, a sheet, and a timer.

You will find instructions on how to play fish bowl here:

Don’t laugh too hard!

And, speaking of fish, try out this DRAW WITH GRANDMA picture – f is for five fish:

There are 4 dvds in the DRAW WITH GRANDMA series, with a 5th on it’s way to being completed.  What a fun way to learn to draw!
