A New Plan for the New Year


Our life group at church has been experimenting with a “new” way to learn together.  (It is really probably an “old” way!)  It is a “pattern” that can be used within the family, the neighborhood, and the small group.  When we gather together, we invite/expect everyone to bring something to the gathering.  Sometimes we team up, other times what we bring is individual.  We have a coordinator that sends out a theme and verse, each time including a list of possible delivery methods for our thoughts and reminding us of the time limits we have set.  Before the gathering the coordinator orders and sends out what everyone has said they plan to do.  We have found it valuable in getting to know ourselves, each other, and how we can better communicate.  We also share a meal, so we have another coordinator for that.  With everyone preparing in advance, we also have some great discussions during our meals.

What new thing are you planning on doing that will challenge and grow you and others?

Here is a sample of one of our lesson plans.  Feel free to use this idea!
