CLICK HERE TO BECOME A MEMBER ON GRANDMA’S “LEARN TO READ” WEBSITE where you will find all the current videos and supplemental materials that go with the book series for $30(lifetime) or $5(monthly). Please note that the books are sold separately.
The A Series – SAMPLES of Resources to print
The E Series – SAMPLES of Resources to print
I Like to Eat Apples and Bananas
Alphabet Match Games
Capital Letters
Alphabet Bingo Games
Capital Letters Draw Cards
Lower Case Letters Playing Cards
Yet to come….
The I Series
The O Series
The U Series
tags: How to learn to read English, Language Learning Activities, The Alphabet Song, The Alphabet Sounds, I Like to Eat Apples and Bananas, Alphabet Match Games, Alphabet Bingo Games, alphabet tracing pages, trace letters, Let’s Read Together, Learn to Read with Grandma, learning games, phonics materials, phonics games, The E Series, The A series, aprender Inglés, aprendre anglès, apprendre l’anglais, Englisch lernen, imparare l’inglese, kujifunza Kiingereza, 영어 학습, 英語を学ぶ , 學習英語, 学习英语,, sons de l’alfabet, 字母的声音, 字母的聲音, sons de l’alphabet, Alphabet Klänge, suoni alfabeto, アルファベットの音, 알파벳의 소리, sons do alfabeto, звуки алфавита, sonidos del alfabeto, sauti alfabeti, home school materials, home school reading materials, alphabet tracing letters to print, UPPER CASE TRACE, CAPITAL TRACE, LOWER CASE TRACE, SMALL LETTER TRACE,tracing letters, home school reading curriculum, home school literacy curriculum, charter school reading curriculum,