
Morning Snow from Bedroom Window

It was still dark when we woke up and my wife invited me over to the window. The ground was covered with snow. It was early enough that the white blanket had not been disturbed. After breakfast clean up we got bundled up and took our granddaughter outside for a walk. Almost immediately she began building a snowman. I’m guessing this is a skill every child growing up in Colorado learns. We didn’t have all the materials needed to complete the face, but it was a good snowman.

Our photo contest theme for this month is “cold”, so Grandma and I were taking pictures to capture the snow scene. We hadn’t been out for a walk yet this trip, so after the snowman was completed, we took a long walk around the apartment complex. There were several families out enjoying the snow. The walking was easy except in the places where cars had compacted the snow and left it smooth and very slick. With our granddaughter as a guide we easily made it back to our building.

Except for our trip outside to play in the snow it has been a very quiet day. The boys are all away at school and everyone except Grandpa is fighting a bug. The rest of the day has been spent watching movies, napping, and reading. I’m really surprised and pleased at how much all the grandkids read. The picture in the gallery only captured 3 of them, but the fourth was in his room reading.
