Take Communion

The following quote took me by surprise when I first read it:

“But the real grace is that these gifts—chief among them the Lord’s Supper—are means of grace whether we recognize them or not.”―Alan Noble, On Getting Out of Bed: The Burden and Gift of Living

Noble has been writing about all the good gifts that God gives us regardless of how we feel or how we are acting.  The greatest gift Is Jesus.  Christmas is a reminder not only of His birth, but also His life, death, resurrection, and second coming.  Every time I take the Lord’s Supper, I am celebrating God’s grace given to me in all these things.

I believe that taking communion is important and I am grateful that I was raised in a church tradition that serves communion at every Sunday gathering.  What I am just coming to understand is how important this is for dealing with anxiety, depression, and thoughts of suicide.

I can fight against despair with hope because I have a Savior.  Regardless of what I am going through I know it is not forever, even if the suffering extends throughout this lifetime.  Jesus is coming again and whatever I am suffering will end as He makes everything new.

I am never alone because I have the gift of His Spirit.  Our men’s small group leader constantly reminds us to stay connected to the vine.  To me, this is why the disciplines of prayer and Bible reading are essential as they remind me of God’s presence in me and my connection to Him.

I am never alone because I have the gift of His body in the community of believers who know me and love me.  For far too long I thought I was self-sufficient.  As my physical and cognitive abilities diminish, I’m grateful for the community that surrounds me.  They constantly remind me that I am loved not for what I can do, but for who I am.

My life is not my own.  It was bought with a price.  Much of this chapter was spent talking about suicide as that is a common outcome of severe mental illness.  This past year I tried a medication that was intended to improve my Parkinson’s symptoms.  Fortunately, I quickly discovered that it brought on suicidal thoughts.  I am also fortunate that the Holy Spirit just as quickly reminded me that my life is not my own and that it is not mine to take.  I immediately stopped the medication.

We give out Christmas gifts to our neighbors every Christmas.  Several years ago, as I prepared to go out to deliver them, I could not open the door.  I needed help which my wife graciously provided and together we got the presents delivered.  This year I was experiencing the same feelings with my greatest fear being encountering my neighbors as I distributed the presents.  God, in His wonderful sense of humor, made sure I met many neighbors as I delivered the presents.  Every encounter was positive and a reminder of God’s grace.

My emotions may try to overwhelm me and lock me in despair.  My anxious thoughts may cause me to get stuck and unable to move.  Sharing in the Lord’s Supper continually reminds me that I am loved and that I have hope.  This may not change all the things I’m feeling, but it does give me the will to get out of bed each morning.

Why do you get out of bed each morning?

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