Another List for this Summer

As we get older, we need TWO lists for our family times together.

The first list is a “fun” list.  It will include foods we like to make and eat, places we want to go, things we want to do together.

The second list is a “what you can do for me” list.  As I’ve already had 2 surgeries (hand and back) this year and have 2 more (both knees) coming, Grandpa and I (and our family) are beginning to take this list seriously.  It will include things that we can’t currently do for ourselves and/or things that we have not been able to hire someone to do.

I remember asking my parents before our visits to make out this 2nd kind of list and how good it felt to be able to help them.  Now, we are the ones making out the “what you can do for me” list.  We want to be grateful and generous with our praise in this area, not demanding.  Let’s show the generations to come that growing old can be done gracefully.
