What about your Santa Clause?

Who doesn’t love watching a child rip open a package with a smile on their face?  Giving is a joy!  How do we pass the joy of giving on to our kids?

For years I led after school programs at our church that included children’s musicals.  Christmas presentations were always a favorite of mine.  There is one song that I have not been able to find again but wish I could.  It started with “I walked in the store” and the chorus was something like “gimme this, gimme that, I’m a gimme, gimme brat”.  An energetic boy named Evan sang it with gusto.  (I’ve googled lyrics without finding it.  If you know more, please let me know!)  None of us wants a child who is a real “gimme, gimme brat”.  Such a child embarrasses us in public, drains our energy and our bank account, and that’s only the damage to us!…What about the long-term damage that a child will grow up with?  How do we, during this holiday season, teach and model generosity rather than self-focus?

If Santa is a part of your Christmas holidays, perhaps you might focus on Saint Nicholaus.  (Google him for books and stories!)

Rather than using the motivation of a “naughty or nice” Santa, engage your family in giving to or serving others.  Sometimes you might focus on what you do well.  Sometimes you might watch for needs/wants that you can fulfill.  Sometimes you may need to find a creative way to be a giver, like using coupons to give of your time and resources.

We have made up some coupon forms along with ideas for gifting them.  You’ll find these ideas at:

I encourage you to think about how your Santa affects your family.
