Curiousity Bag

Grandma made this game long ago as a present for her grandchildren. Use this simple game for fun and to help children understand and discover the world around them.
Click here to print the discovery forms that go with this game.
Being the “loader” gets kids involved in the game and helps them learn about “sets”.  Being the “guesser” builds patience as they wait to reveal what they have discovered. Watch this video for instructions on how to play CURIOUSITY BAG:

Now that you know what to put into the CURIOUSITY BAG, watch this video to learn the discovery process:

Now that you know the game’s instructions and the discovery process, here is a video with just the rhymes for the CURIOUSITY BAG. You can memorize them or play and pause them as you play the game.

Here is a video with ideas on how to make a CURIOUSITY BAG.

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tags: curiousity bag, scientific discovery game, what’s in the bag?, preschool science game, elementary school science game, home school science game, homeschool science game, learn about sets, learn patience,

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