
If you refuse to have grace for yourself or to accept help from others, you will fall deeper in despair and have less and less strength to care for those around you.  If you refuse to accept and act on your responsibility to care for the people around you, you will lose yourself in your own helplessness.

Alan Noble in On Getting Out of Bed

The past several weeks have been difficult.  Many days I wake up sad and do not want to get out of bed.  This is when having a job is a good thing.  I have several responsibilities that do not go away when I’m not feeling happy.  Before retirement I wasn’t aware of some of the conditions I struggle with now because there was always work to be done.  Since retirement there is more “free” time, and I must be much more intentional about taking on regular responsibilities that provide purpose, especially when I don’t feel well.

My discovery is that it is important to have responsibilities that are regular and easy.  It isn’t just people who need care.  Our dogs need to be walked every morning.  They probably need more walking than I can give them, but they must get out.  Regardless of how cold it is, unless it is pouring down rain they need their morning walk.  It is good for me too.  It gives me an opportunity to pray and occasionally surprises me with a view of God’s creation that most people do not experience.  Most people are not crazy enough to go for a walk before sunrise.

Last week we headed east for our walk through the park.  It was clear and cold and when we turned north at the end of the park a bright light caught my eye.  It was a full moon hanging just over the horizon.  The wind had cleared the air, so the moon was crisp and sharp.  I had to pause for a few moments and thank God for the gift of that big rock in the heavens.  I know the moon has many functions, but there are times when it is just a wonder to look at.

I also have other responsibilities that give me a reason to get out of bed in the morning.  Folding clothes is in this category.  It is something I do well and doesn’t require a great deal of mental or physical energy.  It is also easy to see when the task has been completed.  (It also helps to know that I do it better than my wife!)  Fulfilling this responsibility does not require the perfect mood or physical condition.

Whether within the family or within the church we all need care.  Caring is not the responsibility of one person, but of everyone who belongs to the body.

This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other. (1 Corinthians 12:25 NLT)

Not only do we need to be needed, but we are needed.  There are unique things we contribute to our household, our family, and the larger community around us.  Having responsibilities gives us purpose.

Our pastor said something in his message on Sunday that really caught my attention.

God has a habit of turning unmet expectations into unexpected purpose.
Kyle Idleman in “For Such a Time” YouTube link —

What are the responsibilities that give you purpose and keep you persevering?


One comment on “Responsibilities
  1. Tom Bickel says:

    In my case, adopting two babies in my late 40s is a gift that keeps on giving!

    This is beautiful writing: The wind had cleared the air, so the moon was crisp and sharp. I had to pause for a few moments and thank God for the gift of that big rock in the heavens. I know the moon has many functions, but there are times when it is just a wonder to look at.

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