SESSION 1 – How did we get the Bible?
(click here for lesson printouts)
LESSON THEME: God gave us His Word. We should read it.
SCRIPTURE REFERENCE/STORY: Finding of the Dead Sea Scrolls – History & Organization of Bible
SESSION 2 – God’s Word is Important
(click here for lesson printouts)
LESSON THEME: If we don’t USE IT (God’s Word) we might LOSE IT!
SCRIPTURE REFERENCE/STORY: King Josiah finds & reads God’s Word (II Chron. 34:1-33)
SESSION 3 – The Bible tells us about God’s Son, Jesus
(click here for lesson printouts)
LESSON THEME: The Bible is personal.
SCRIPTURE REFERENCE/STORY: The Gospels (John 20:30-31) Jesus calling the disciples (Luke 5:1-11)
SESSION 4 – We use God’s Word to teach and learn.
(click here for lesson printouts)
LESSON THEME: You can find answers to your questions in the Bible.
SCRIPTURE REFERENCE/STORY: The Ethiopian Eunich (Acts 8:26-40)
SESSION 5 – Don’t be too busy to learn from God.
(click here for lesson printouts)
LESSON THEME: Meditate on God’s Word
SCRIPTURE REFERENCE/STORY: Mary and Martha (Luke 10:39-42)

tags: Free family resources, free lesson plans, free small group resources, free Sunday school lesson plans, free sermon ideas, free vbs plans, all age materials, BIBLE Lesson Plans, BIBLE Music, BIBLE Wall Art, BIBLE POSTERS, BIBLE Bingo, BIBLE games, BIBLE Performance ideas, BIBLE Performance Notes, VBS materials, lessons for the whole church, how we got the Bible, the importance of God’s word, printout of NT books;
printout of OT books; Bible bookshelf; Bible publicity flyer