The A Series

CLICK HERE TO BECOME A MEMBER ON GRANDMA’S “LEARN TO READ” WEBSITE where you will find all the current videos and supplemental materials that go with the book series for $30(lifetime) or $5(monthly). Please note that the books are sold separately.

LearnToReadThumbLearn how vowels sound when they are combined with other letters. Learn to read, speak, and pronounce English. Pictures and sentences are included to help you understand the meaning of the words. Rhythmic chants are included in the videos to help with vocal pacing and character recognition. Over 320 words to learn in the entire “A” series.

Click here for information on how to use these materials.
Click here for samples of resources to go with the books..
The “A” series precedes Grandma’s “E” series in learning English.


Books 1-13 in ONE paperback book $20.00

Reader 1 $3.75


13 individual eBooks  $.99 each

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tags: Let’s Read Together, The “A” series, Learn to Read with Grandma, Shirley Whitney, Jessica Wheeler, phonics, phonics lessons, word chants, dvds, learn English, read English, American accent, English lessons, English video lessons, aprender Inglés, aprendre anglès, apprendre l’anglais, Englisch lernen, imparare l’inglese, kujifunza Kiingereza, 영어 학습, 英語を学ぶ , 學習英語, 学习英语,

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